The Only Materials Design and Innovation Exhibition in Latin America. Each season, Inspiramais launches over 900 materials, which are developed by the fashion materials manufacturers participating in the event. The exhibition is held twice a year: in January and July. The Exhibition’s primary mission is to inspire the entire Brazilian and foreign fashion production chain, allowing the appreciation of Brazilian products, the exchange of knowledge and the presentation of all-new materials, which stand out for their innovative design and technology, as well as sustainable thinking. During two days, Inspiramais receives over 150 exhibitors and 6,000 visitors – including entrepreneurs from the footwear, clothing and furniture industries, as well as designers and opinion leaders. In addition, the event features talks and a display of projects.

Innovation and Sustainability Rounds

They take place alternately every six months. In the January exhibition, the focus is placed on sustainability, and in July business rounds are held with an emphasis on innovation. The rounds are the result of work undertaken by the participating companies throughout the six-month period prior to Inspiramais and involve the cooperation among organizations, institutes and universities.

Talks on Innovation and Sustainability

The talks are held on a six-monthly basis, during the Inspiramais Exhibition. They address current issues relevant to companies, thus including these businesses in the context of innovation and sustainability.


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